In today's digital age, electronic contracts or e-contracts have become increasingly important in business transactions, making it essential for law graduates and professionals to understand their intricacies.

This comprehensive blog post delves into the various types of e-contracts, their examples, the legal framework surrounding them in India, and the Indian court cases, legal provisions under different Acts, and the Supreme Court of India's judgments and quotes on the subject.
E-Contract: Definition and Meaning
Types of E-Contracts
E-Contract Examples
Essentials of E-Contracts
E-Contracts in Cyber Law
Types of E-Contracts in Cyber Law
E-Contracts under the IT Act Legal Provisions under Different Acts
Online Contracts in Cyber Law: Challenges and Best Practices
E-Contract: Definition and Meaning
E-contracts, also known as electronic contracts, are legally binding agreements formed and executed electronically, without the need for physical paper. E-contracts can be created, signed, and stored online, making them more efficient and eco-friendly than traditional paper contracts.
The Indian Contract Act, 1872, governs the formation and enforceability of e-contracts, just as it does for conventional contracts. E-contracts have gained prominence due to the increased use of technology and the internet, making them a crucial aspect of modern business transactions.
E-Contract makes things quicker and increases pace of business dealing while facilitating commerce.
Types of E-Contracts
There are several types of e-contracts, each with its unique features:
a) Unilateral and Bilateral E-Contracts:
Unilateral e-contracts involve one party making an offer, and the other party's acceptance is not required, whereas bilateral e-contracts require mutual agreement between both parties.
Unilateral e-contracts are typically used in reward-based scenarios, while bilateral e-contracts are commonly seen in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.
b) Clickwrap Agreements:
These e-contracts require users to click on an "I Agree" button to accept the terms and conditions before using a service, such as signing up for an online platform.
Clickwrap agreements are commonly used in e-commerce, software licensing, and online services. Courts have generally upheld the validity of clickwrap agreements, as long as they meet the essential requirements of a valid contract.
c) Browsewrap Agreements:
In these e-contracts, the terms and conditions are displayed on a website, and users agree to them by merely browsing the site. Unlike clickwrap agreements, browsewrap agreements do not require users to actively accept the terms and conditions.
Courts have been more skeptical of browsewrap agreements, as they may not provide sufficient notice of the terms, making it unclear whether users have genuinely consented to them.
d) Shrinkwrap Agreements:
These e-contracts are used in the software industry, where the terms and conditions are contained within the software's packaging.
Shrinkwrap agreements are considered binding when the user opens the software package, thereby accepting the terms and conditions.
Courts have generally upheld the validity of shrinkwrap agreements, provided that they do not contain unconscionable or unfair terms.
e) Smart Contracts:
Smart contracts are self-executing e-contracts built on blockchain technology, which automatically enforces the contract terms.
Smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize various industries by automating transactions, reducing human error, and minimizing the need for intermediaries.
However, the legal status of smart contracts remains uncertain in many jurisdictions, and the technology is still in its nascent stages.
The Electronic Signatures in IT act, 2000 Act has played a significant role in legitimizing e-contracts, as it grants electronic signatures the same legal status as handwritten signatures.
E-Contract Examples
E-contracts are prevalent in various industries, such as:
a) E-commerce: Online retailers often use clickwrap agreements for customers to accept terms and conditions before making a purchase. One prominent Indian case involving e-commerce contracts is "Avinash Bajaj vs. State," where the Delhi High Court examined the liability of an e-commerce platform for transactions conducted on its website.
b) Freelancing: Freelancers and clients may use bilateral e-contracts to outline the scope of work, payment terms, and other relevant details. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer facilitate the creation and execution of such contracts to ensure that both parties are protected.
c) Software Licensing: Software companies typically use shrinkwrap agreements to license their products to end-users. One notable Indian case involving software licensing is "Tata Consultancy Services vs. State of Andhra Pradesh," where the Supreme Court held that software should be treated as goods for the purpose of taxation.
d) Real Estate: Lease agreements and property sales contracts can also be executed electronically. The Indian Registration Act, 1908, was amended in 2001 to allow for the registration of electronic documents, making e-contracts more accessible in real estate transactions.
Essentials of E-Contracts
E-Contract are at the core contract in first place, it is just that these are not made with traditional pen paper based method but in online space.
The essentials of e-contracts are similar to those of traditional contracts as provided under Indian Contract Acts provisions, :
a) Offer and Acceptance: There must be a valid offer from one party and an acceptance by the other.
In the case of "Bhagwandas Goverdhandas Kedia vs. Girdharilal Parshottamdas," the Supreme Court of India emphasized the importance of a clear offer and unequivocal acceptance for a valid contract.
b) Legal Capacity: Both parties must have the legal capacity to enter into the contract. For example, minors, people of unsound mind, and individuals declared insolvent are considered incapable of entering into a valid contract.
c) Lawful Consideration: The contract must involve an exchange of value, such as goods or services. Indian law requires that consideration be present for a contract to be valid, as stated in Section 25 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
d) Lawful Object: The contract's purpose must be lawful and not against public policy. In the case of "Gherulal Parakh vs. Mahadeodas Maiya," the Supreme Court of India held that a contract with an unlawful object would be void and unenforceable.
e) Intention to Create Legal Relations: Both parties must intend to create a legally binding agreement. In the case of "Edwards vs. Skyways," the English Court of Appeal emphasized the significance of this intention when determining the enforceability of a contract.
Electronic signatures and digital certificates play a crucial role in ensuring the validity and enforceability of e-contracts. The Information Technology Act, 2000, provides the legal framework for electronic signatures in India.
E-Contracts in Cyber Law
The Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) governs the legal aspects of e-contracts in India. The IT Act recognizes e-contracts as legally binding, provided they meet the essentials of a valid contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Section 10A of the IT Act states that e-contracts shall not be deemed unenforceable solely because they are in electronic form.
This provision reinforces the legal validity of e-contracts in India. Furthermore, Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, amended by the IT Act, establishes the admissibility of electronic records as evidence in legal proceedings.
Types of E-Contracts in Cyber Law
Cyber law recognizes different categories of e-contracts, each with specific legal implications:
a) Data Message Contracts:
These e-contracts are formed through electronic communications, such as emails or instant messages.
The IT Act's provisions on electronic records and electronic signatures apply to data message contracts, ensuring their legal validity and enforceability.
b) Automated Contracts:
These e-contracts are generated and executed by computer systems without human intervention.
The IT Act does ot explicitly address automated contracts, but they can be considered legally binding if they meet the essentials of a valid contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
c) Electronic Agent Contracts:
In these e-contracts, electronic agents or software programs represent parties in the formation and execution of the contract.
Although the IT Act does not directly address electronic agent contracts, Section 10A, which validates e-contracts, can be interpreted to cover these agreements as well.
E-Contracts under the IT Act
The IT Act contains several provisions relevant to e-contracts, such as:
a) Section 4: This section provides legal recognition to electronic records and states that they shall not be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability solely because they are in electronic form.
b) Section 5: This section grants legal recognition to electronic signatures, ensuring that electronically signed e-contracts are valid and enforceable. Indian law provides for two types of electronic signatures: digital signatures and e-signatures using Aadhaar-based authentication.
c) Section 14: This section stipulates the admissibility of electronic records as evidence in legal proceedings. It ensures that e-contracts can be used as evidence in court, provided they meet the requirements specified in Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
These provisions collectively govern the validity, enforceability, and admissibility of e-contracts in India.
Legal Provisions under Different Acts
Apart from the IT Act and the Indian Contract Act, there are several other laws and regulations that are relevant to e-contracts in India. Some of these include:
Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 - These rules provide for the protection of sensitive personal data and information in e-contracts.
Consumer Protection Act, 2019 - This act provides for the protection of consumers in e-commerce transactions and sets out the responsibilities of e-commerce platforms.
Companies Act, 2013 - This act provides for the electronic filing of documents and resolutions by companies.
Online Contracts in Cyber Law: Challenges and Best Practices
Forming, executing, and enforcing online contracts present several challenges, such as:
a) Jurisdictional Issues: Determining the applicable jurisdiction for disputes arising from e-contracts can be complex, as parties may be located in different countries.
In the case of "Banyan Tree Holding (P) Limited vs. A. Murali Krishna Reddy," the Delhi High Court laid down principles for determining jurisdiction in online transactions.
b) Security Concerns: E-contracts may be vulnerable to hacking or unauthorized access, compromising the confidentiality and integrity of the contract.
The IT Act contains provisions related to cybersecurity, such as Sections 43, 66, and 72A, which prescribe penalties for unauthorized access, data theft, and privacy violations.
c) Authentication: Verifying the identity of parties in e-contracts can be challenging, leading to potential fraud or misrepresentation.
The IT Act provides for the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates to authenticate electronic records, which can help mitigate this issue.
To address these challenges, it is essential to adopt best practices when drafting, signing, and storing e-contracts:
Clearly define the jurisdiction and applicable laws in the e-contract.
Use secure platforms and encryption technologies to protect e-contracts from unauthorized access.
Employ reliable electronic signature and digital certificate providers to ensure the authenticity of parties involved.
As the world becomes increasingly digital, e-contracts have emerged as a vital aspect of conducting business. A person must understand the types of e-contracts, their legal implications, and best practices to navigate the challenges posed by the digital age effectively.
By being well-versed in the Indian court cases, legal provisions under different Acts, and the Supreme Court of India's judgments and quotes on the subject, legal practitioners can better serve their clients and contribute to the development of cyber law in India.
The growing importance of e-contracts necessitates continuous learning and adaptation to ensure that legal professionals remain at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.